PSA - Coronavirus Vaccine
PSA - Coronavirus Vaccine I don’t consider myself a ra ra kind of guy or one to give public service announcements, but I feel like I’ve gotten so many questions about the new covid vaccines that I thought it was worth addressing some of the major concerns. Below is a brief timeline detailing the emergence of the coronavirus 31 Dec 2019 A cluster of pneumonia cases were reported in Wuhan, China. The infectious agent was identified as the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) 13 January 2020 The first recorded case outside of China in Thailand. 11 March 2020 Due to its spread and severity the WHO characterized Covid-19 as a pandemic. Since then Covid-19 has changed all of our lives. The rate of infection in most countries is at an all time high and the concern for mutant strains is ever present. Fortunately there is hope on the horizon. Moderna and Pfizer have engineered a vaccine to help combat this new virus. This ne